Doing crafts with the little ones is heaps of fun and a great way to not only keep them busy, but also foster their creativity. We’ve got some tips for making kids crafts a smooth and stress-free experience.
Be sure to scroll down for a special discount and printable colouring sheet from our friends at Kiwi company Crafty Little Kits!
Prep & plan
Planning can be fun, too! Get the kids together to discuss some ideas and nut out a plan of action. If you’re crafting with toddlers and small children, have some choices for crafts at hand and let them choose which one (or more!) they want to do. Once you know what you’ll be doing, get together everything you need and set it out in your designated crafting space. If there are things that the littlies can’t do, for example cutting out shapes, do that beforehand as well so they can get stuck in straight away.
*If you’re looking for some ideas, check out our blog post ‘5 Crafty Ways to Reuse Your Box This Summer‘.
Do age-appropriate crafts
To avoid frustration, make sure that the crafts you’re doing are age-appropriate. Crafting is a good way for kids to develop their creativity and motor skills. However, there is a balance between developing these skills and letting the little ones do activities beyond their abilities. Little ones who take on too advanced crafts may get frustrated and give up quickly. The opposite goes for older kids! If the crafts are challenging enough for them, they may get bored quickly.
Focus on one activity
Another way to avoid frustration is by focusing on one activity at a time. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do only one craft during your session, it only means that by focusing on one activity at a time kids (especially the littlies) are not overwhelmed and won’t lose concentration and jump between projects.
Try a craft set

If you need some inspiration, give a craft set a go. Not only are they a good source of inspiration, they are also a great way to get most of what you need without waste.
Kiwi company Crafty Little Kits has a range of sets that are designed and made in New Zealand using sustainable materials. Everything from the mailer bag being compostable, to the stickers being eco-friendly, to the activities being recyclable.
In the spirit of the school holidays, Crafty Little Kits is sharing one of their Fish & Friends design that you can download for free for the kids to colour. Download it HERE and share your creations on social media and tag @craftylittlekits.
Don’t rush
Like with most things that are done with kids, patience is key! Try not to start a crafting session when you have something else planned so you are able to give yourself and the kids ample time to work on and enjoy the project(s). Let the little ones work at their own pace and try not to intervene too much when it’s not needed. And most importantly, have fun!