Fudgy Brownie Pie

Fudgy Brownie Pie Kit, Serves 10

This delectable dessert features a luscious fudgy brownie mix, encased in a flaky puff pastry shell. With the perfect balance of crispy crust and rich, gooey chocolate, this dessert will satisfy your sweet tooth cravings in every bite.
If you haven't discovered it already, this recipe is from our Add Ons section. You can find this kit and more available to add to your next delivery after choosing your dinner recipes.
Servings 10


Brownie Pie

  • 125 g butter ^
  • 1 pack white chocolate chip brownie mix
  • 2 eggs ^
  • 375 g flaky puff pastry
  • 2 Tbsp flour ^

Pantry Staples ^


    • Preheat oven to 180°C. Line a pie tin with baking paper.
    • Place butter and brownie mix in a medium pot on medium heat. Stir continuously, until combined and all butter has melted. Remove from heat.
    • In a large bowl, whisk eggs with electric beaters on high for about 3 minutes, until pale and fluffy. Alternatively, whisk by hand.
    • Unroll pastry on a clean flat surface and remove paper. Lay into prepared tin and press into sides. Trim any overhanging edges as needed. Poke holes in the base of pastry with a fork.
    • Pour brownie mix into eggs and whisk quickly to combine. Fold through flour and then pour into pie tin.
    • Bake for about 45 minutes, until brownie is no longer jiggly in the middle and pastry is golden. Allow to cool before slicing.
    Calories: 420kcal

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