Cecilia Robinson is one of NZ’s leading entrepreneurs. Founder of My Food Bag, 2024’s New Zealand’s Innovator of the Year and dedicated mother of three, Cecilia finds balance amongst her busy days with movement, easy meals and sneaking in some treats!

Describe yourself in 10 words or less: Purpose driven mum of three, married to the love of my life.
What makes you feel your best? When the kids are happy, and I feel in control at work.
How do you find balance in the chaos? Thinking about solutions rather than problems and managing my stress levels.
What’s your favourite way to move your body? Walking but I do exercise each morning between 20 – 24 minutes.
What motivates you to stay on track? Staying fit and healthy for my kids and valuing my body more as I age.
What healthy habits are you taking up in 2024? Continue to exercise at least 5 days a week and keeping alcohol to weekends. Freshly pressed juice & ginger + turmeric.
What’s one non-negotiable you do for your health each day? Exercise, eat healthy and sneak in chocolate.
What is the last thing you did that made you proud? Saying no to something that I didn’t have capacity to do.
What do you love about Fresh Start? How tasty and easy the recipes are!
What’s the one thing about Fresh Start that helps you the most? Making it easy to eat healthy.
What mantra do you live by? I didn’t have kids not to raise them but also, I haven’t worked so hard at my career to give it up!
Check out Fresh Start’s Quick and Easy range each week. Choose from 10-, 15- or 30-minute dinners, or select readymade meals for minimal fuss. All our recipes are calorie-controlled, packed with vegetables and refined sugar free to help you stay on track while having time to find balance in your life.