Are you a morning person? How do you usually start your day?
Most days I start work at 5am so thankfully for me I absolutely love early mornings! I’d prefer to be training at 6am over 6pm any day! Regardless of how early my alarm is set, I have some non-negotiables for my morning routine that personally I find make a huge difference:
- First; Coffee is an essential.
- I always spend 5 minutes writing before I get up – I list what I’m grateful for and list some intentions for the day (these can be things I want to complete or bring focus to that day).
- As cliche as it may sound, I say positive affirmations every day. I’m a firm believer the way we speak to ourselves and our thoughts heavily impact our reality – I notice this makes a huge difference to my mindset and its 100% worth getting up a little bit earlier for.
- Last but certainly not least; food! I don’t run well on an empty stomach so even if it’s 4.30am you’ll still find me making Peanut Butter on toast before I leave the house!
What are you loving at the moment?
My two passions are fitness and food! My fitness obsession at the moment is Ceremony – our functional training class at Les Mills. I love the diversity of the workouts and the team training aspect – I always leave feeling better than I arrived.
I find cooking and baking very therapeutic! At the moment I’m loving learning to create different curries and my next mission is to master making donuts.
What are you eating at the moment? Anything you can’t get enough of?
I just absolutely food – all food! It’s the highlight of my day. My favourite food is seafood so my go-to dinner is often a homemade Salmon poke bowl with rice. I live for eggs on toast, bagels and I can’t go a day without peanut butter! Im a huge sweet tooth and all about balance so ill always finish the day with something to keep me satisfied like chocolate, a smoothie, toast or oats.
How do you practice mindfulness?
To be completely honest, I find it super challenging to slow down and switch off. Therefore I find practicing mindfulness in a more dynamic sense definitely works best for me and I’m more encouraged to actually do it. Going for a walk while listening to a podcast that I love, heading to the beach with my journal, booking in to get a massage or heading to a Body Balance class and sticking around for the relaxation section at the end are all things I find leave me feeling relaxed, calm and more aware of my thoughts & state of mind.
You can see more of Geena over on her instagram or at Les Mills’ New Lynn Club!