We’ve crafted some super fun ways for you to entertain yourself and the kids this summer using your box!

Let’s Get Crafty ✂
The summer sun is getting warmer and the holiday season is upon us which means… school’s out! So, with little ones to entertain we thought we’d whip up some awesome ways you can get crafty and have some family fun with your box. All you’re gonna need for these crafts is:
- Cardboard Box 📦
- Scissors ✂
- Tape 🪀
- String 🧶
- Pencil ✏
- Imagination ✨
Cardboard Car 🚗💨

VROOOM! This one is a classic and its fun factor stands the test of time! It is also SUPER easy to make. Remove the cardboard flaps around the edge of the box. Use these flaps to draw circles, two circles per large flap. Carefully cut out the circles and voilà, you have wheels. You’ll need five in total for all four wheels and the steering wheel. If you have a hand towel roll available this makes a great stand for the steering wheel. Once you’ve stuck them on you’re basically done! Want to spice it up? Here’s some extra hot tips:
- Remove the plastic from your woolpouch and you can cut shoulder straps.
- Want to make it comfy or cover edges? The wool from your woolpouch can be used to line the box.
- Grab some coloured paper and cut out some lights for your car.
- Deck out your ride! Use coloured pencils or felt-tip pens and get your kids to spice up the sides of their new ride.
We had heaps of fun in the office with this one! 🤣

Cornhole Cut 🥏

Cornhole is a super simple and surprisingly fun or competitive game! It is also a super simple one to make. All you need to do is cut your box in half down two opposite corners. Cut one half in half again so that you’re left with a square and a rectangle. Use the square to secure the corner of your remaining full half. Cut a hole at the top end of your half piece. Bend the sides of your small rectangle and tape it to the bottom of your half piece. Get creative! Put the target in difficult to reach places or make a challenge for who can get the coolest trick shot.
Cricket Wickets 🏏

Did you whizz off to the bach and forget to bring the wickets for beach cricket? No worries because you have your box! This one looks a bit more intricate, however, trust us. It’s easy! Cut free the long edge flaps from your box. Work out three or four corners for each one and cut a small indent into the flaps. Fold along these indents and wrap some tape around the folded pole. If you’re going to the beach then no need for the base. However, if you are in need of a base, cut free the smaller end square of your box and some of the longer sides. Bend these and secure with some triangles and tape. Use a hand towel roll cut down the middle for the stumps and you’re all set to hit some sixes!
Ultimate Grass Sled 🛷

This one is a classic, and the easiest one on our list. All you need to do is cut your box in half. But the reason we have it on our list is because our boxes allow you to make the ULTIMATE grass sled. The sides of our boxes have two handy slits which are perfect for securing reigns through. You can free the plastic from your wool pouches like we did or grab some rope or string. Then all that’s left is to drift your way down a grassy hill or sand dune.
Cardboard Guitar 🎸

The last item on our list can be done two ways! The way we’ve done it above is a perfect prop to get the imagination pumping. Rock out as if you’re playing the guitar yourself but with minimal noise. You can also prepare it to make noise. Save a large sauce pottle or small plastic planter for this project. Cut a small hole in your guitar slightly smaller than your container. Using your tape, stick the container to the back of the guitar under the hole you’ve cut. Use extra tape to stick the string down tight. Now the guitar can be played, but, still much quieter than a usual guitar, so that you can still relax.
And more?
This is just the surface of what you can do with your boxes. Our foodies share their awesome creations with us all the time and we love it. Head on over to our Facebook or Instagram if you’ve got an awesome creation to share! If you want to secure your own box for the summer, check out our brand new Bargain Box BBQ to get your bach trip sorted.